It has been an interesting and enjoyable path to follow with a lot of fun along the way. It has taken me too many different walks of life and I have met many fascinating and out of the ordinary people along the way. I'm very grateful for all I have learned through astrology.
By using astrology you can usually find a solution to most problems you may have and the more you know about your own horoscope the easier things will be. There may be times in your life when you are not sure what step to take or what course to follow. You can then look to the horoscope for direction and it can guide you on to your right path.
The mind is a powerful thing. Most of us resist letting go of old outworn beliefs that we have out of fear only to realise the relief we feel when we have released some of those old belief pattern we use to have. It seems to make us more aware and clear in our mind and we can now go ahead and embrace the new changes in our lives.
Knowing where our planets are in our horoscope and what they mean in your horoscope will help you understand where you have difficulties that need to be worked on or questions you would like answered. The Sun , Moon and all the planets each rules a different Sun sign. They also rules different parts of the body as well as a lot of other things in your life.
The Sun stands for the self, vitality, authority, driving power and the heart. It rules The Fire sign Leo and is called the regal sign.
The Moon stands for emotions, imaginations, domestic and the stomach. It rules The Water sign Cancer and this makes them very emotional people.
Mercury stands for communication, mental activity, logic and the lungs. It rules The Air sign Gemini and they are the communicators of the zodiac. It also rules The Earth sign Virgo and they like to analyse things and they are also the servant of the zodiac.
Venus stands for love, beauty, harmony, compassion and the kidneys. It rules The Earth sign Taurus and the financial world gives them a sense of security. It also rules Libra and they have a need to have balance and harmony in their lives and are often known for being diplomatic and tactful people.
Mars stands for action, courage, dynamic energy, pioneering and the head. It rules The Fire sign Aries which gives them a lot of energy and they are the action people.
Jupiter stands for wealth, generosity, truthfulness, justices, law and the legs. It rules The Fire sign Sagittarius and they are the "Happy Go Lucky" people.
Saturn stands for organized, caution, responsible, ambition and the knees. It rules The Earth sign Capricorn and they and the organized responsible people.
Uranus stands for originality, light, inventive, social and the nerves. It rules The Air sign Aquarius and they usually have an original streak in their character.
Neptune stands for inspirational, idealistic, spirituality, movies and the feet. It rules The Water sign Pisces and they are strongly motivated by their feelings.
Pluto stands for change, transformation, inner planes and the groin. It rules The Water sign Scorpio and they have a tremendous drive and determination.
These are the planets in a nut shelf and the Sun signs they rules. However if you have any problems in any of these areas you can look deeper into the meaning of each planet and Sun sign which will give you a good idea of where to start looking to solve any issues you might have. To learn more about astrology go to this link where you will find my ebook Doorways to Astrology.
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