Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hello I'm back
But first I hope you all had a good time over the Christmas Holidays and that you will have a wonderful New Year. As I’m a Libra myself I love the socializing over Christmas and catching up with friends I haven’t seen for a long time. So for all you people out there with the Moon in Libra you would also have liked the interaction with other people one way or the other.
The Moon In Libra Star Sign

In Libra, the Moon has a deeply-felt need for a one-to-one relationship. Intimate partnerships will provide emotional sustenance. But be ware of a need to have your partner mother you. This position always steer the native toward successful partnerships, including marriage.
You can often find these people in public relations, advertising and law and in the field of the art such as dress design, painting and real estate. The native has vision and possesses the charm to win his way to people’s heart and they readily buy what Moon in Libra is selling.
The Moon in Libra loves to socialize and entertain, is gracious and can be a remarkably good host. This native has great taste when it comes to furnishings; food and wine unless other factors in his horoscope block this out. They are described as being elegant and with a love for the luxuries in life.
The gentle nature of these people often attracts others to them with their problems. This is one of the reasons these people would make good lawyers, public relation counselor or advertising specialist because of their understanding of people in general. This native should be encouraged to read and seek higher education, even if in night school because this native is capable of making their wishes come true.
Moon in Libra tends to see the best in others and this could lead to distress and could attract those who seek to take advantage of you and your good nature. The danger here is that the native has such a love of people but need to learn to discriminate and be more selective in the people you surround yourself with. Find good companionship's with someone you can share all your great ideas with.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hello again everyone!
The Moon in Virgo Star Sign

In Virgo the Moon position stresses the intellectual and has a need to understand the finer details and as a result of that they often have a logical outlook on things. The native is loyal, persistent and is very particular and fussy about the way they wants things done, but will never asks others to do what they would not do themselves, they genuinely want a job well done.
The Moon in this position has a great interest in health and can be very particular about what they eat. The empathy here is on service and they are always willing to help people in need. You feel extremely pleased when someone asks for your advice and view on something. You are easily taken advantage of by those swift enough to play on your good nature.
People with a Virgo Moon is excellent when it comes to analyzing but have to watch out not to carry this too far. You need to stop and look at the bigger picture and broaden your vision; open your mind and welcome new experiences.
The native with a Virgo Moon must have a goal. You have the drive to overcome any obstacles which get in your way and will not be beaten but arrive at the goal. The Moon in Virgo needs to be busy. They consult reports, write letters and make wonderful agent, detective, technician and a good host at a party.
The Moon in Virgo taken alone points to one with tremendous potential if the native doesn’t get stuck on to many details. You admire people who are dedicated to their goal and will willingly help such a person along the way.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Moon
But people with the Moon in Leo comes across much more confident and self assured in their manners and this is the great thing about the difference in where the Moon is positioned in your chart it tells you how you handle your emotions in different way according to the sign the Moon was in when you were born.
The Moon In Leo

People with the Moon in Leo create the feeling of being regal and their actions and thoughts are often noble. Having fun and being creative is the best way to look after yourself. Children may also play an important part in your life.
People with the Moon in Leo have drive and ambition and want to do something with their lives and are determine to go ahead. They love luxury and have a dashing, fire to their make up, are popular with the opposite sex and can be very extravagant. In dealing with members of the opposite sex, this native seeks one who finds him charming and irresistible.
The Moon in Leo can in some cases put themselves on a pedestal and will not get involved, they will say they are just an interested viewer. But very often you become more involved in situations than the actual participants. You have an inner strength but don’t call on it because you feel it is there whenever it is needed.
This native needs to discipline themselves and be careful not to get too involved in situations but relay on their inner strength. Discipline is important to people with the Moon in Leo because you can easily slip into an easy path and never live up to your full potential.
Moon in Leo will associate with anyone but keep a part of themselves to themselves. These natives shows much talent in the creative and artistic fields including music, painting and poetry, you feel you are special and are usually very generous with your time and money.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Cancer Moon
If you are strongly influenced by the Moon, like if your Moon is in Cancer or in other powerful position in your horoscope you are most likely to want to look after the home, family and the garden.
The Moon in Cancer

The Moon in Cancer is sociable, emotional, changeable and sensitive to the point of being psychic. These people are very emotional people and take themselves very seriously. They feel it is their duty to take care of the home and family tradition. You seek security through the home and family and it provide you with emotional sustenance. At home you feel secure.
Cancer battle with inner conflict but will not appreciate any interference from outsiders. On the other hand you feel that others are too sensitive to accept help but you need to consider how outsiders feel, think and react and see the situation as it exist and see the persons in light of their everyday problem.
The Moon here describes one who seems to react inwardly and takes some kind of pleasure in brooding over the problems of the world. One who is complicated but will insisting on being simple and easy to get along with if only others would understand him. This native can be a bit of a puzzle to work out but an interesting one, you want to know yourself and the world.
Moon in Cancer are creative and believe they have something out of the ordinary to offer the world. They would make good writers, painters and one who deals with food and liquid. This native can be found in the news, advertising and public relations and in affairs connected with security, marriage advice and real estate. Read more .....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Moon In Your Horoscope
The sign that your moon is in will for most people be pointing to the characteristic of your mother and the traits you have inherited from her. Many people will find a mate that fit these same characteristic as your mother.
Moon in Gemini Star Sign

Gemini is the sign of communication and the Moon here indicate that the native is mentally alert and has a keen interest in self-expression. You have a ken intellectual curiosity and a desire for the widest possible variety of experience. You will make a good reporter one who can tell a good story. Gemini is very adaptable, versatile and seem to move about if not physical then certainly mentally. You can see different points of views but do not dwell too deeply on any one thing.
The Moon in Gemini is seldom lost for words and possesses a very inquisitive mind and will probe into things until he find some sort of answer and then tend to lose interest. You do not have the staying power that Taurus has but you are a better self-starter and much more active.
Because of Gemini's flirtatious personality you will make fine sales people in an occupation where you could make good use of this quality. You come across as a very charming and quick witty person with a charismatic personality one who easily converse with people. However your emotions can be rather shallow and you do not dwell too much on your feelings.
People are attracted to you and find you interesting as you always seem to have amassed of information’s from many areas in life. People are fascinated by Gemini and drawn to your personality but may feel let down by your obvious chance of heart. You have considerable talents and should concentrate on developing them.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Moon In Taurus

In Taurus the Moon indicates that the native has a good idea of what they thinks and desires. Security is high on the list and the native has a strong interest in material things and can get bogged down with possessions.
Idealism does not stir Taurus too much but it will lead the way to where you can gain and make your position more secure. You love the good life including parties, excellent food and drinks.
Moon in Taurus have great staying power but are not a self-starter however you will stay with a project long after other people would have given up.
The native has the ability to appeal to popular tastes, to adjust to changing social conditions and capture the imagination of the public. You should make good use of your fine sense of what people want and need. You appreciate what you have and can make a little go a long way.
This position indicates robust physical health and a strong constitution with a good sense for business success and will work steady towards progress.
Your cautious stable nature is qualities others admire in you. The Moon here can act as a stabilizer, it makes you a more steady and patient person.
You are sympathetic to other people’s need and are always prepared to help out in a realistic and practical way. You are a romantic and loyal partner who is likely to be a passionate, affectionate, loving and devoted in romantic relationships.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Moon
The Moon however influences us in many different areas of our lives depending on which sign the Moon was in when you were born.
Moon in Aries

People with the Moon in Aries have a need for self-assertion and independence. This native has a desire to seek the truth as they see it and they have high principles. These people have plenty of push, drive and energy.
They will fight for what they believe to be right and they refuse to be pushed around. They have great potential especially in the area of inventiveness. The Moon here alone can indicate a person who can fight for the truth as long as it is of value to them. Like things concerning the home the future or security.
The Moon in Aries is competitive and head strong and sometimes act on impulse without thinking of the consequences. This personality is self-assured, self-reliant, self-sufficient and very much a self starter who gets very excited when starting a new project. This native has such a powerful personality with a determination and enthusiasm that it encourages others to follow their own passion.
With the Moon here you follow your own path and know exactly how to put things into action with enthusiasm and passion. You love new starts and have a pioneering and adventurous spirit who may find it hard to stay in one place for long. Your self-expression is a way of nurturing yourself with your wonderful project long enough to finish it. However if Aries stay and finish their project it will give them great satisfaction.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Moon Signs
The Moon governs the emotions, feelings, compassion and affection. It is associated with motherhood and symbolizes what the traditional mother is to her child. She is the nurture and also the provider of day to day necessities and the protector against any harm which may come to the child.
If you are strongly influenced by the Moon in your horoscope you are most likely to want to look after the home, family and the garden. However you need to combine this information with the position your Moon is in your horoscope and an astrologer will be able to tell you this.
It should be remembered that below is a description of each of the Moon signs only it doesn’t include the house position. To find out where your Moon was at the exact time of your birth you need to either contact an astrologer or look in a planetary ephemeris. By reading the explanation of the Moon signs you will get a better understanding of the Moons influence in the different signs and how it affects you.
We will start to publish the 12 Moon signs really soon.
Friday, August 14, 2009
About The Astrology Star Signs
I will be moving all the astrology Star Signs over to this link
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Valentine's Day Scope

Taurus: Spending the night with your loved one in a hide away resort with candle light dinner, good food and soft music playing, all the trimmings of romantic time will be your choice for Valentine's Day. This will put any difference you may have had between you and your mate behind you and you will feel a great happiness and harmony return to your life.
Gemini: Romance and passion are usually not your strongest traits but there is an aura of enlightenment about your planets in the sector of the more spiritual side of your life today. This influence could provoke you to use your brilliant ability to communicate and share your deeper feelings with your partner and say all those wonderful loving words that will appeal to your loved one's sensuality.
Cancer: Most cancer people are home bodies and will want to spend Valentine's Day with their partner at home whipping up a home cooked meal and candle light. Plenty of flowers and playing your favourite music should add fun, romance and a playful time with your mate. A greater harmony will grow between you as you reconnect in this way and together you will be able to achieve the goals you have planned for the future.
Leo: You are a passionate lover and having lots of love in your life is very important to you. When you receive an unexpected invitation for a romantic evening with someone special you are pleasantly surprised. This could be the perfect day for an idyllic love affair with someone who may become an important feature in your life. Doors will open to a new fun scene and there will be lots of happiness ahead.
Virgo: You may feel an overwhelming passion of love for your loved one when you are asked to let go of your tendency to analyse and put aside your chores to share an evening of romance in a setting of your choice. This will keep love and the romantic interest alive between you and be most beneficial for you relationship.
Libra: Work is definitely the main focus today. However being the gracious and charming person you are as well as a good conversationalist you should be able to charm your way out of it and change the situation to suite you. Jupiter casts a favourable light onto your personal planets later today giving you the space and freedom to enjoy a most enchanting and romantic evening with your partner or mate.
Scorpio: You will want to spend Valentine's Day with someone special or a new love. With your passionate and irresistible nature this should not be hard for you to achieve. Because of your strong desire for nothing but the best some pleasant unexpected things may happen to you if you venture out of town to a unique restaurant for a romantic candle light dinner with your loved one.
Sagittarius: You fell like spending a lazy day outdoors surrounded by natures softly swaying trees in the shade of the intense sunlight. You may have overdone things lately and need time out to relax and nurture yourself. You will feel passionate about spending time with your loved one and romance will light up your evening and together you will create sweet music.
Capricorn: On this special occasion you have the opportunities to build a better relationship between you and your partner. Today could be quite an emotional experience for you when you realise that the more love you give out to your loved one the more love you will receive. Doors will open up and a new and much happier chapter will begin in your life.
Aquarius: You like things to be unique and out of the ordinary. Today you have the opportunity to change your daily routine and do something more outrageous or impulsive. Head off into the country for a short drive with your loved one to a country club or a cosy old pub. Your mate will love the change of scenery and light hearted conversation may spark of romantic possibilities.
Pisces: Romance and creativity bring sweetness into your life and emotions are highlighted as the planets are in a favourable position, helping you to make this an excellent day for you. Venus is in a position where it will raise your personal charm and your partner will fall under your spell when you put your imagination to work and create the most romantic candle light dinner ever. So take advantage of the exciting energy the cosmos has to offer you today.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Doorways To Astrology

It has been an interesting and enjoyable path to follow with a lot of fun along the way. It has taken me too many different walks of life and I have met many fascinating and out of the ordinary people along the way. I'm very grateful for all I have learned through astrology.
By using astrology you can usually find a solution to most problems you may have and the more you know about your own horoscope the easier things will be. There may be times in your life when you are not sure what step to take or what course to follow. You can then look to the horoscope for direction and it can guide you on to your right path.
The mind is a powerful thing. Most of us resist letting go of old outworn beliefs that we have out of fear only to realise the relief we feel when we have released some of those old belief pattern we use to have. It seems to make us more aware and clear in our mind and we can now go ahead and embrace the new changes in our lives.
Knowing where our planets are in our horoscope and what they mean in your horoscope will help you understand where you have difficulties that need to be worked on or questions you would like answered. The Sun , Moon and all the planets each rules a different Sun sign. They also rules different parts of the body as well as a lot of other things in your life.
The Sun stands for the self, vitality, authority, driving power and the heart. It rules The Fire sign Leo and is called the regal sign.
The Moon stands for emotions, imaginations, domestic and the stomach. It rules The Water sign Cancer and this makes them very emotional people.
Mercury stands for communication, mental activity, logic and the lungs. It rules The Air sign Gemini and they are the communicators of the zodiac. It also rules The Earth sign Virgo and they like to analyse things and they are also the servant of the zodiac.
Venus stands for love, beauty, harmony, compassion and the kidneys. It rules The Earth sign Taurus and the financial world gives them a sense of security. It also rules Libra and they have a need to have balance and harmony in their lives and are often known for being diplomatic and tactful people.
Mars stands for action, courage, dynamic energy, pioneering and the head. It rules The Fire sign Aries which gives them a lot of energy and they are the action people.
Jupiter stands for wealth, generosity, truthfulness, justices, law and the legs. It rules The Fire sign Sagittarius and they are the "Happy Go Lucky" people.
Saturn stands for organized, caution, responsible, ambition and the knees. It rules The Earth sign Capricorn and they and the organized responsible people.
Uranus stands for originality, light, inventive, social and the nerves. It rules The Air sign Aquarius and they usually have an original streak in their character.
Neptune stands for inspirational, idealistic, spirituality, movies and the feet. It rules The Water sign Pisces and they are strongly motivated by their feelings.
Pluto stands for change, transformation, inner planes and the groin. It rules The Water sign Scorpio and they have a tremendous drive and determination.
These are the planets in a nut shelf and the Sun signs they rules. However if you have any problems in any of these areas you can look deeper into the meaning of each planet and Sun sign which will give you a good idea of where to start looking to solve any issues you might have. To learn more about astrology go to this link where you will find my ebook Doorways to Astrology.